Garage door systems include much more than the door itself. There are many different parts that contribute to opening and closing your garage door, including the spring. Garage door springs are crucial in maintaining balance with the door by bearing the door’s weight. When a spring is damaged, your garage door could be in big trouble. That’s why garage door spring repair is such an important service.
Garage door spring repair is one of the most common forms of repairing a garage door, and with how important the spring is to the door’s function, repairing it when it’s broken should be top priority. Both the reliability and safety of your garage door can be compromised when the spring is malfunctioning or damaged. Oftentimes you can tell there’s something wrong with one of your garage door springs when you notice any corrosion, gaps, or other visual cues that it isn’t in good condition. You should also note any odd occurrences when you open or close your garage doors, as problems like squeaking noises can also indicate a broken spring.
We here at Race City Garage Door are trained and equipped to handle your garage door spring repair needs, as well as any other issues related to your garage doors. Using the right equipment and relying on years of experience in the garage door repair industry, we’ll get right to work repairing whatever problem is affecting your garage doors, whether that be the spring, track, motor, or other part. You can count on us for the best garage door repair services around, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today for all of your garage door needs.